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"I am a trafficker of information; I know everything I can." --Merovingian


My Way News: "Two scholars who have criticized Mel Gibson's film on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ said Thursday they have received hate mail in response to their comments."
al.com: News: "In the midst of Alabama's deepening financial crisis, some state senators doled out more than $200,000 in extra pay to certain Senate employees during the last two years, according to a Mobile Register review of state payroll records. "
What we have found is an electorate that once again is viewing issues and events largely through a political prism.: New pew report

"The widespread hostility Republicans felt toward the federal government has dissipated now that their party controls all of the levers of power in Washington." Geee... wonder why? Can they get more transparent?
The Emerging Democratic Majority WebLog - DonkeyRising: "Youth: progressive after all these years? Maybe so."
California Insider - The budget fix

Remember these elements:

Rescind the car tax increase.
Restructure the debt.
Protect education.
Adopt a “never again” spending cap.

That’s what Schwarzenegger promised. Let’s see if he delivers.

Ocala Star Banner: "In the lead-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said U.S. forces would be welcomed by the Iraqi citizenry and that Saddam Hussein had large stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.

Now, after both statements have been shown to be either incorrect or vastly exaggerated, Rumsfeld - with the same trademark confidence that he exuded before the war - is denying that he ever made such assertions."
Alternatives to Iraqi Council Eyed (washingtonpost.com): "The United States is deeply frustrated with its hand-picked council members because they have spent more time on their own political or economic interests than in planning for Iraq's political future, especially selecting a committee to write a new constitution, the officials added. 'We're unhappy with all of them. They're not acting as a legislative or governing body, and we need to get moving,' said a well-placed U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. 'They just don't make decisions when they need to.' "
No Clean Sweep in the Capitol: "In his winning campaign for governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger promised to 'clean house' at the state Capitol. But when he takes office next week, Schwarzenegger won't be able to bring that kind of change to hundreds of boards and commissions dominated by appointees of Democratic Gov. Gray Davis.

The new governor may be able to quickly reshape some important boards, such as the state Board of Education. But in other areas, he may have to live with Davis appointees for years, making it more difficult to deliver on campaign promises."
He's gonna start pissing off some people really soon. I can't wait

Diverse Staff Fits Profile of Gov.-Elect

As the administration of Arnold Schwarzenegger takes shape, his range of appointments suggests the Republican governor-elect plans to run the state much as he campaigned — as a fiscal conservative with decidedly centrist views on other matters.
New Scientist: "Lonely hearts have spent millennia trying to capture the pain of rejection in painting, poetry and song. Now neuroscientists have seen it flickering in some remarkable brain images from college students suffering a social snub."
AlterNet: Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception

Massive Loan for State Weighed: "As Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger prepares to take office, his aides are testing the waters for a possible budget solution that would include having the state go into debt to pay off a substantial portion of the coming year's deficit."

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